Surf and local turf


John Mongrue

TVWBB Member
Tonight's menu consisted of the alien to southern Louisiana scallop, and local fare consisting of the following:
1. Creole tomato, spinach, arugula, basil and brick mozzarella drizzled with balsamic vinegar glaze.
2. T-bone massaged with olive oil and Worcestershire, seasoned with freshly ground kosher salt, black and white pepper, garlic powder and a whisper of cayenne pepper and allowed to adjust to room temperature.
3. Farm fresh green beans sautéed in olive oil and cooked bacon renderings for salt flavor, black pepper and vidalia onion.
The rosemary and basil featured in tonight's fare was brought to you by our own garden and is used quite often!






ETA: the beer choice was a crisp New Belgium Summer Wheat...
Thanks for looking!

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A thing of beauty, John. I really like the first shot of the steak on the searing grate with the big salt crystals and fresh rosemary.
That is an amazing dish my friend, well done. How far are you from Baton Rouge or Lake Solitude? That is where my best friend lives.
Don't look like no "peaux boys" cooking to me. In fact, looks mighty elegant for a Louisiana Boy.
I'd dang sure eat a plate,,,,,,,,,,,,or 2.

