Stubbs & Minion Method



TVWBB Diamond Member
I thought I'd give Stubbs charcoal a try yesterday.
Cooked 2 racks of BBs in the 18.5 WSM.
I filled the charcoal ring 2/3 full with Stubbs & used 10 lit briquettes for a MM start.
I dumped the coals in a pile in the center of the charcoal ring (same as I do with KBB).
Everything went well for the first 3 hours or so & then the cooker temp started dropping.
Anyway I opened the door to inspect my fire & the coals had burned straight down!
There were very few lit coals next to the "hole".

So... I'm new to Stubbs charcoal & am wondering if this is normal?
Maybe i should have sprinkled the MM coals over the top of the charcoal ring?
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I've found that Stubb's doesn't seem to light as well off each other, or as fast, as Kb.
I spread the lit on all my minion starts, no matter the brand or type.
Presently I'm 1 hour into a spares cook on my 18.5 WSM, ring of lump, and about a dozen lit Stubb's on top.
It's holding around 245 so far.
good question. ive been testing kingsford and stubbs in my mini wsm the past month...however with a fuse method, not minion method. so far ive found i can burn a fuse with stubbs and it has a nice steady burn that slowly creeps up in temp over time, over 4ish hours it holds 250 with top and bottom vents wide open. this seems to create a clean smoke that tastes really good. kingsford blues as previously mentioned light very efficiently and unless i close the bottom vent to 1/4 open things get hot. what seems to happen is the air comes in from below hits the bottom layer of briqs and that bottom layer spreads fast, then light the layer im holding 250 one minute and 20 minutes later im at 400 degrees, if the vents are wide open. so while stubbs inefficient lighting may be a drawback for some, for what I've been trying to do lately, a slow, steady, low heat cook being fully fueled with wide open vents, it has its advantages over hotter, faster briqs. im still going to cook a bunch more with kingsford, and also go back to lump with the same approach, but so far ive really liked the end result with stubbs, which is all that matters in the end, right?

