Still Char Q-ing



TVWBB Member
The CharQ is a finicky little guy but worth learning to use. A few too many coals and you have an inferno. Too few and you might as well leave the food in the fridge. Truthfully it3s a pain in the butt. But, when you do find the sweet spot, oh baby! Of course outside temps, type of fuel and sun spots all determine the cook temp. Still rocking it, still loving it buy pining for the ease of my Q1000. 1000017080.jpg
With three gassers and a performer along with two 22 kettles, two jumbo joes and a smokey joe and a pellet grill I sometimes have a hard time choosing what to cook on.
Barb has staked out the E320 and gen 2000 as hers. Me I prefer the Jumbo Joe for quick cooks along with vortex cooks, perfect size for two people and much more fuel efficient and easier to clean than the bigger kettles and the Performer for larger cooks and hot and fast ribs.
The smoky joe and 22 kettle and the older Jumbo are pretty much lawn ornaments now.
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