Some of your favorite combinations in the WSM


Dennis D

TVWBB Member
Sorry if this has been covered before but it would really help me if board members could list their favorite combinations of meats/dishes that you cook at the same time in the WSM? Also let us know how you arrange them in the cooker (top/bottom) and any special tips and tricks. So far I've tried only a single item at one time and I'd sure like to expand my horizons. Thanks
I will almost always cook at least two chickens any time that I'm cooking something else that only takes one grate. Left over smoked chicken is incredibly useful in lots of dishes (or just tasty by itself.) When cooking for a crowd, there's almost always someone who would prefer chicken, though many times they might not say anything.

Chicken always goes on the bottom for me, and I almost always do them whole beer-can style. I don't worry about the rubbery skin at lower temps, I just peel it off, shred, and portion off in vac-seal bags for later use (or carve into serving pieces for immediate eating.)

I've been known to throw on some ham hocks when I have room, too. Seal and freeze for soup in the dead of winter. Then there's smoked bologna to either dice up for an appetizer, or save for making fried bologna sandwiches.

Pretty much, I just try to make sure I have something on both grates if I'm going to run the smokers for 7 hours (ribs) or longer (butt/brisket.)

Dang, now I'm hungry.

Can't go wrong on any low and slow by throwing on a fattie or two. Great the next morning with some fresh biscuits or just to snack on.
My personal favorite is butt over brisket. That is about the only way I get brisket the way I like it.

I also like to put Keri C's hog apple baked beans below just about anything. You can find the recipe in the side dishes forum. Another thing I like to do if nothing else is to throw some potatos on the lower shelf. I have tried poking the potatos with a fork with the skin on but I don't think they get enough smoke myself. I like to peel them and put some butter, salt, and pepper on them and smoke away. They take at least 90 minutes. Longer for the bigger ones.
I like to make ABTs with the left over coals at the end of a smoke. There's usually just enough coals and time before we eat to get em ready.

I've also made several batches of Smoked deviled eggs with the remaining coals.

I usually use wood chips rather than chunks for smoking these because the chips produce a very strong smoke in a very short time.
You guys are doing great! All your suggestions are making me hungry. Lots of great ideas so far. Can't wait to try your suggestions! Anyone else up for sharing their favorite combos in the cooker?
Kevin, do you have a favorite baked bean recipe? I'm planning to do baked beans along with something else like butt or brisket but I haven't narrowed down the exact recipe for the beans yet. I've heard that Raichlen's beans are pretty good.

