Smokin on Saturday


Toby Keil

TVWBB All-Star
Going to be firing up the WSM in a few hours, my daughter is having a end of summer swim party and asked if I could smoke some ribs and a pork butt for pulled pork sandwiches. I have two racks of spares and the butt is just over 4 pounds, I got a small one so I can cook it today, rest it in the cooler for a few hours then pull just before eating. Here’s a few pics after they were prepped. I’m also going to make some ABTs today. Just found out that one of the girls is a vegetarian, guess I’ll be cooking her a turkey burger. I’ll let you all know how things go and post the rest of the pics tomorrow. It’s a very cloudy warm day in SoCal today, what’s up with the weather this year. I think we broke the 100 mark maybe twice the whole summer, whacky.

Here’s the spares rubbed down with Blues Hog.

The Butt rubbed and ready to go.

Spares and the Butt and the bag in the back is all the trimmings. I’m freezing it then going to make breakfast sausage at a later date.
Looks good toby, wish i could stop over to eat but were leaving for the allman brothers concert. Have a great dinner
Here’s the rest of the cook. The butt was pulled off the smoker at 190, wrapped it in foil and rested for an hour in a cooler while the ribs finished up. Once the ribs were off, I threw some brown sugar on them covered with foil an let them sit for a spell. I couldn’t have asked for a better evening, good friends came over, the kids had a blast and best of all, they really liked the food. Man I love BBQ!

ABTs just off the grill

Pork butt ready for pulling

The butt is pulled and ready to eat

Ribs before slicing

A nice fruit salad my wife made

Here’s a shot after the kids got to the food, think they were hungry?

Here’s a shot of the kids loving the BBQ

