Simpsons OTG from CL... touch up recs?

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ashish debroy

I picked this beauty up over the weekend. Now my Simpsons SJS has some company!




Does anyone have any recs for touching up the dings in the lid? The yellow on these is more pale than the older Weber yellows I think, so I don't know if I will be able to find a reasonable match. I'm leaning towards just polishing it up and leaving the battle scars as is, based on suggestions from some others.
Nice find. I picked one up several months ago in just about the same condition. Bought both a yellow and white high heat spray paint and blended my own, starting with white and adding the yellow til it got as close as I could, well for my old eyes.
Turned out pretty nice, but a few battle scares never hurt a Weber.
Originally posted by Sonny Roach:
Nice find. I picked one up several months ago in just about the same condition. Bought both a yellow and white high heat spray paint and blended my own, starting with white and adding the yellow til it got as close as I could, well for my old eyes.
Turned out pretty nice, but a few battle scares never hurt a Weber.

Thanks, Sonny.

Do you remember which paints you bought, and where you bought them from? Most of the high heat paints I have seen are darker or brighter yellow, so your idea of blending yellow with white is a great one.
I just bought Rust-olem high temp at Auto Zone. Was working on an old yellow kettle at the same time. It's a bit bright so you may want to look around a bit, but it looks good enough for me and I will probably never fire her up anyway. Please keep me posted how it works for you.
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