Scorched side burner lid


Scott C.

TVWBB Super Fan
Hey guys, so I'm making some headway on my 4000 overhaul, and another item on my radar is fixing the scorched side burner lid and was looking for some tips. I tried Barkeepers Soft Cleanser with a mild scrub pad and while I think it might have faded a tiny bit, it's still pretty prominent. This stuff says to only leave it on a surface for one minute, so I'm afraid to get too aggressive with it. At this point, I figured I should probably consult the experts. Is there something else that works better? Thanks!

BTW on edit, after doing the valves, burner tubes, and replacing the regulator, the old girl is getting up to 500 again. Damn, what do I need this 435 for now, lol?
Barkeepers is IMO a waste of effort. You need a true abrasive and a strong cleaner. Try a fresh green scotchbrite and some stronger cleaner possibly with ammonia in it. But understand the mark is not simply a "deposit" on the steel it is an actual discoloration that takes place and can not simply be scrubbed off. Ask anyone who owns a motorcycle and has let the engine run too lean. Once that chromium gets hot it stays blue forever
Yeah, I was afraid that was the case. I figured if there was a slight chance of cleaning this up, you guys would have the answer. Thanks bud.
Here is a link where Stephan said he removed a lot with Soda and vinegar. Probably won’t get it all but might help.

Just be careful. You are likely to create some scrub marks on that lid if you get too aggressive.
Taking Bruce's comments into consideration - because that IS a definite risk - it MIGHT be possible to do some serious sanding and bring down the stainless to untinted metal. You would have your work cut out for you and will need a number of grit levels to work your way to a polished shine.

I have a similar rust issue with my side burner but have acquired I new lid. Any tips on how to pull out and replace the plastic push fasteners? Or cut and replace with small stainless bolt and acorn nut?
Joe, do the stainless bolt and acorn nylon insert nut. I beleive they use those on some of the platinum grills in the day. Why they cheaped out like that to save a dollar or two on the Silver C's and Genesis 4000/5000 is beyond me.

