Saturday's Partial Crutch Brisket


Rusty Breaux

As stated in the Barbecuing section, I had the plan to do a partial crutch of a brisket. Smoke till we hit the stall and Crutch it until it fights its way out of it, then unwrap and let the brisket cook to 200ish. Well I slid out of bed at 5am and made fire. Got the meat on at 6am and plans of people coming over for dinner around 630. Ever brisket iv done to date BESIDES 1 has taken around 7 hours. But i figure with the uncrutching, 10 sounds like a good time. So i crossed my fingers and went at it. Grabbed a 14.6 lb prime packer from Costco 3.50/pound and They sale 2x18lb bags of the Kingsford Competition for $20, that iv never used before, but i hear burns cleaner with less ash so i jumped on it. OO and threw in chunks of hickory and pecan. Meat Church HOLY COW rub was on POINT.






I made a few new fans tonight. I overcooked it a little as i was getting the thickest part to 200 before i pulled it.. but this thing ROCKED. :)

That brisket looks mighty fine to me, all that juice on the cutting board says you didn't over cook it, probably right on que
Great looking brisket Rusty. Now the neighbors will just come by at random when they smell the smoked goodness going on next-door.
Thanks guys. I am think settling in on my Brisket style finally (central texas salt/pepper style ... crazy dark bark). Apparently the kid is going to be a BBQ guy, 9 months old and up at 5am every morning. Just need a little weber for him. :)

Excellent brisket!!! I would love to try those comp briquettes! How did they work for you?

The Comp briquettes worked well. Supposed to have less ash and less of a "Kingsford Taste" to the smoke. I was having a little trouble keeping the temp settled in a couple of hours in, but it settled in FINE over all. I would agree w/ the less taste off of the charcoal and I was happy with it ingeneral. I know its kind of a BLAH review, but id say it was fine. I didnt swear it off after using it. OO and the smoker went probably 11 hours around 265 with ONE charcoal load in the 18.5 wsm.

I am going to use it on the kettle and do some steaks to really get the feel for the taste of the charcoal.

That looks great. Nice Job!
I did exactly that same cook a week ago. I went back to Costco last week for another Prime brisket at $3.19/lb, which they've had for the past 4 or 5 months, and all they had were Choice briskets for $5.79/lb! Better stock up if you see them cheap.
Looks great Rusty! Glad it was successful...and definitely worth a try to only crutch during the stall, get it through, and unwrap again.

