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Pete D.

TVWBB Member
Why is it that many if not most recipes call for kosher salt instead of regular table salt? There can't be that big of a difference, can there? I've also heard that if you substitute table salt for kosher, you shouln't use as much. What would a proper ratio be?

I've never been able to tell the difference, but...

Apparently, your generic Morton's table salt has anti-clumping stuff added and somebody, somewhere, can tell the difference. Kosher salt is also coarser grained and the size and shape is supposed to allow it to absorb more moisture than other forms of salt and this is supposed to make kosher salt better for curing meats.

My palette is pretty unrefined so I won't pretend to defend either position. I will say that, when the recipe calls for "Kosher Salt", I use Kosher salt. It's cheap and why mess around with a good thing?
Pete, A lot of chefs and pros use kosher salt because of the coarse make-up. They can "feel" it better in their fingers for measureing and whatnot. Also, if you put it over a prime rib or roast or whatever it provides a nice clear salt glaze which makes it nice and presentable also it sticks to things very well.

I also agree with Chet, the kosher salt will pull more moisture out of the meat quicker due to its size and make-up. I love it...I keep a big ramicen full of it by the stove for everyday cooking.
1 cup Diamond brand Kosher salt is equal to 3/4 cup Morton brand Kosher salt is equal to 1/2 cup table salt.

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
Thanks Chris

I should have figured you'd have this topic covered somewhere here.

I'm sure glad I found this site!
It would be only right that i comment on THIS topic....well pretty much everyone commented on pretty much what i would say and then some.. but what i do is if im making spice for rubs or using when making burgers or with any meat or poultry i use the Kosher salt.. its bigger than table salt and its much saltier as well.. so a pinch goes a long way....but if your using to salt up some of your already prepared food such as soups or salad or some bread use the table dont want to be crunching when you sip your soup.....neways.. folks im goign to be off the list for a while. .im going in for surgery tom.....the last few times i was out for a month or two.. but hopefully itll be better this any case.....the toughest part of this surgery is im not going to be able to Q for a while....!!!!!! when i get better....10 pounder brisket!!! neways guys thanks for all.. take care
Mords, my man...Godspeed, friend, and our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Send smoke signals /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Thanks Chet, Bill.........Send smoke signals.. that was a good one... Godspeed, hey thats what i awlways say.....well then godspeed take caer
keep smilin
thanks for the well wishes
if your refereing to me chet.. no not yet.. not that you can see im still pretty sick....hhee.. nah im ok...ill wait till next week.. going online right now to order my guru...take care
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