rump roast


Dave White

New member
I'm going to try a rump roast today even though I know this is not the best choice for a smoker. My question is should I go with high or low heat. I thought about smoking it in a foil pan with a little water in the bottom to keep it moist. Any ideas out there?
Dave, go midways.....300º-350º. Bring to room temp and cook with a pan underneath the roast to collect drippings (for gravy) until you get an internal temp of 125º-130º (depending on how rare you prefer), then tent with foil and let rest 15-20 minutes before slicing. Slice fairly thin.
Thanks Larry,
I'm at 288 now I just put it on about a half an hour ago. I put it in a pan with a little water. I got it on sale so I'm not out much money, thats why I thought I would give it a shot and see what happens.
I have cooked a few rump and chuck roast on the Wsm. I cooked them to 125-135 as well. They all came out great- I used some cherry/hickory wood for smoke.

