RSS Feed for Remote Display


john frank

TVWBB Member
Hi. I have a 20x2 VFD attached to a old windows xp machine that displays weather info via LCDSmartie 24/7. I'd like to include data from the HeaterMeter while its running, but unfortunately, LCDSmartie isn't smart enough to parse JSON data and I'm not smart enough to figure out how to code a plugin from scratch. :confused: Can the JSON data be written to a .txt file somewhere? Would adding a RSS feed from the HM be a reasonable endeavor for a JSON n00b?

Didn't HeaterMeter have RSS at one point? Alrighty, any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated!
-John Frank
Can it parse shell output or anything similar?

Here's a quick and dirty curl command to generate some output.

curl -s | tr ",[]{" "\n" | grep -A1 "\"n\"" | grep -v "\-\-"

n = probe name
c = current temp

"n":"ET73 Grate"
"n":"TX-1K Shldr1"
"n":"TX-1K Shldr2"
There has never been an RSS feed in HeaterMeter, even the term "RSS Feed" makes me angry. It's not a feed! (this is not directed toward you, but the internet pioneers of the 90s).

But yeah if there is any sort of parsing ability you should able to get the data out of the JSON, there's no other format to pull the values currently.

