Roadside Chicken help



TVWBB Member
Morning guys. I've got a load of 20 thighs marinating now. Making them for a cookout at someone else's house. Arrive at 3 and eat somewhere around 5:30.

Was thinking that I'd throw in the WSM at 350ish for about an hour at our house around 1:30. Then put in a foiled tin to bring to the party. Host said I could use his gasser to reheat & crisp up the skin.

Anyone tried something similar? Any obvious flaws in my logic here?
Should work. Cook on the top rack with no pan in place so the grease drips directly on the coals. I have reheated RSC all the time.
That should work fine, I just did my first RSC and it was great and they reheat just fine. Make sure to take some extra basting sauce for the reheat to keep it nice a moist and add more flavor.
If you have an empty dry cooler handy, transport the foil pans in that. The insulation will retain heat suprisingly well. It's known as the faux cambro. It works great for great for transport.
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Well, it worked ok... Not the best batch ever, but was still good. The skin didn't come out like I wanted. Next time, I'll probably just haul my kettle over there.
Well, it worked ok... Not the best batch ever, but was still good. The skin didn't come out like I wanted. Next time, I'll probably just haul my kettle over there.

My performer has been on many roadtrips for this purpose.

