Ribs on a 14.5"


Jerry N.

TVWBB Emerald Member
I'm thinking about getting rid of my 18 wsm. Would like to know how ribs fit on a 14.5. I'm particularly wondering how many ribs can be cooked without any rib racks. Currently, I roll my ribs and get three on the top rack of my 18. I'm pretty much only cooking baby backs and wondering if rolling or some other method will work without a rack. I'd like to be able to do three racks because that's how they come from Sam's/Costco. I'd like to not use a rack because I think they're a pain to clean. Any ideas would be appreciated - pictures would be great.

Thanks - Jerry
Interesting. Ribs are why I want a 22 not a 18

Yeah, if you want to lay them flat, the 22 is the way to go. Personally, I'm in downsizing mode and I was wondering what my options are. I'm okay with just about any method that gets them cooked, but I don't want a rib rack if I can avoid it. I do agree though, laying out a full slab is a nice presentation.
Interesting but if I got a 14.5 and double stacked it, I don't think that would actually qualify as downsizing. Probably would just keep my 18 instead but thank you for the idea. Also, with a hanging rib, I'd be afraid that right when they got done, the meat would fall off the bone and thus fall off the hook and into the fire.
Interesting but if I got a 14.5 and double stacked it, I don't think that would actually qualify as downsizing. Probably would just keep my 18 instead but thank you for the idea. Also, with a hanging rib, I'd be afraid that right when they got done, the meat would fall off the bone and thus fall off the hook and into the fire.

Therein lies the rub. I seriously doubt you will be able to do 3 racks of ribs in a stock 14.5 WSM without using a rib rack. It's a little cooker. Maybe if you cut them up into small sections...
fwiw - I also have an 18.5 WSM & the 14.5 is seeing most of the action these days. When hanging meat in the 14.5, I put the bottom grill grate in just in case things go caveman.
I have cut the slabs in half and done 2 racks laying flat, if you cut the 3rd slab into 3 or 4 bone sections you could probably fit 3 racks on a 14.5 laying flat.
But really whats the difference if you clean a rib rack, or clean a grate? Not much.
But really whats the difference if you clean a rib rack, or clean a grate? Not much.

A rib rack is small with a lot of intersections for the meat to get stuck on which makes it very hard to clean. A grate I can soak and scrub in a couple of minutes and if I use a rib rack I probably have to clean both.

But thank you for your comment. If you cut them in half, how do you fit two racks? On the top grate or one rack on each (top and bottom)? In my 18, I did a stacking grate on the top where I could lay the ribs flat. Similar to this: http://virtualweberbullet.com/capacity_photos/gridextender.jpg That worked pretty good. I stopped doing that when I learned about rolling ribs and could fit all three on the top grate. I'm thinking with one stacking grate, I could fit one rack on each grate if I cut them in half.

I was also wondering if I could get two rolled on the top grate and one on the lower.
One rack one each grate and then switch them up about midway to even out the heat.
A rib rack is small with a lot of intersections for the meat to get stuck on which makes it very hard to clean. A grate I can soak and scrub in a couple of minutes and if I use a rib rack I probably have to clean both.

But thank you for your comment. If you cut them in half, how do you fit two racks? On the top grate or one rack on each (top and bottom)? In my 18, I did a stacking grate on the top where I could lay the ribs flat. Similar to this: http://virtualweberbullet.com/capacity_photos/gridextender.jpg That worked pretty good. I stopped doing that when I learned about rolling ribs and could fit all three on the top grate. I'm thinking with one stacking grate, I could fit one rack on each grate if I cut them in half.

I was also wondering if I could get two rolled on the top grate and one on the lower.
Interesting comments, I have a 14.5 which gets almost all the usage and a 18.5 which I use for HH chicken, TT, PSB so forth and ribs. I only smoke Baby Backs that I get at Costco and never have had one that I couldn't lay flat on the 18.5 granted I may have to us the lower rack if doing two racks and if doing more I just coil them. I've done four BBs on the 18,5 by coiling them.
I do see the point of a 22.5 if you're cooking a large amount or a huge brisket. With just the two of us I don't need something big enough you need a coal shovel to feed it.;)
I routinely do 4 racks on a 14.5, cut in half, they come out fine





yeah its tight but if you buy rib racks that fit into the 14.5 (i have that exact same one Jeff above has, home depot carries it) you can easily get 4 racks of ribs into it on both levels cut in half so its 8 half racks. i don't think theres any other way to get more into it. I've even done an 11lb brisket on it before via removing the top grate and draping the brisket over the rib rack stood on its side on the bottom rack.

No issue with 3 racks of BB. If you don't want to use a rib rack, roll em. You can easily fit four without issue. These little guys punch way outside their class. I definitely also think there is an opportunity for a resourceful person to construct a hanging rack for the 14's that could work ace. The distance here wasn't anything more than what I used in a cookshack model 55. I believe you could hang full 4 racks in a 14.5 properly customized. My .02. If Ribs are your thing then rolling can get you to where you want to be based on your original post. And they are gud.

