Rib Roast pic


Kaz S

Momma had a good check-up at the Baby Dr. - she's 8 month's pregnant now! So I celebrated with some good eating!

I picked up a little 2 bone rib roast & seasoned it with Weber's Chicago Steak. Smoked it on the WSM with some mesquite at 225• for about a hour until it got up to 112 in the middle. Then ran my E-320 gasser up to searing around 450• and cooked each side of the roast for 2 minutes.

Plated it up with a loaded baked potato (broccoli, bacon, and cheese!) and a Yuengling.


I just wish I took more photos of cooking it! So awesome. Favorite cut of beef for sure.

That roast is gorgeous! Great job. Congrats on the baby news too. If there is Yuengling sold around here, I haven't seen it. Looks good, even at 9:30 in the morning!
Looks Fantastic Kaz!
Hey, take your camera outside while youre grillin' this awesome stuff ;)
Should pregnant women be eating such rare beef? I don't cook it now because I refuse to eat any beef aside from rare and dr. Has forbidden any beef that is not well done.

That said, it looks gorgeous.
Yeah it's fine. I read the warning label.

Probably shouldn't eat off charcoal grill either. But we don't get all crazy overprotective, you start down that path and next thing you know your bubble wrapping your kid and they're allergic to everything. No thanks. But, I'll pass on your concern to my pregnant cave lady.
She's gotta be happy with that, great cook! Make sure baby gets here before midnight 12/31/14

