Rat Patrol ........... how to kill a big rat.


Lynn Dollar

TVWBB Emerald Member
There's a schoolyard behind my house that's just vacant property. Its really a field, with a mix of bermuda and weeds. School doesn't have a use for it. Probably a good 40 acres.

My neighbor came over this summer to tell me they had been killing a lot of rats. They've got a big dog that lives outside and they'd seen rats eating his dog food. Suggested I put out traps. I'd already begun to do that, as I'd seen a rat running the fence between our properties.

I've lived here 30 years. Have never seen anything like this. I think it was a combo of a very dry summer and the new neighbors dog food and water drawing them in from the field. Neighbor said they killed 33 rats using snap traps. I set out a few snap traps and killed 25 rats and mice in my shed. I also set out some poison bait traps. They ate the poison bait so no telling how many died from that.

Together we killed a bunch of them and then it dropped off to nothing for most of Sept and Oct.

Most were living under my neighbor's shed that backs up to the fence. The rats were tunneling out from under his shed into my yard. After it seemed we'd killed them off, I had filled in their tunnels and a couple weeks ago saw where they'd dug out a new tunnel. But there was no bait being eaten in the bait traps. So I set up a camera to find out what just what kind of animal this was, as the tunnel was large. I thought it might be a possum.

And I got pics. Its a GIANT rat. Everything we've killed till now has been no bigger than my hand. This dude is huge. I'm trying to figure how to kill him. I don't think snap traps are large enough. And if I found a large one, I worry that I might get somebody's cat or a squirrel or possum.

He's too big to get into the bait stations. I could set some poison bait in his tunnel, but I don't want to chance him dragging it off where my pug or my neighbor's dog could get into it. I really like these bait stations for that reason. The bait is secured inside the station.

I could bury some chicken wire about a foot deep where he's tunneling, But that would be all for nought if he finds another way into my yard. I'd rather kill him.

Here he is, you can see my bait station up against the fence behind him . He's big. Just to get an idea, those pickets in the fence are 6" wide.

Yikes! The lumber in the photo provides the scale. Maybe try a trap meant for a racoon or something? A live trap and then some cement boots? Man... glad I only have a mouse once a year or so...
Yep. Growing up in Chicago. Our neighborhood was "classy" we had rats as big as Lassie :D I remember one time we were little kids chasing a "bunny" called our mom out to the porch. Look mom a bunny. The scream she let out was crazy LOL. Wife and I used to live in Albany Park near a rest by Foster and Kedzie. Rats were as big as cats
I use these live traps, had pretty good luck with them. I have a tub of water that I drop the trap/rat in to dispatch them. We have small dogs so a live trap is something that I can use safely. I use a S-shaped hook to dangle a blob of peanut butter at the rear of the trap behind the pedal. If you can set up a camera to watch their habits, it will help a lot. Rats are pretty regular as to how they make their rounds in the evening. I actually caught one without any bait in the trap just by putting it in the right location. Wear gloves and avoid tainting the trap with human scent.


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Yup. I have a smaller door cage trap which I bought for a few mice we once had. A small piece of hot dog on the trigger did them in every time!
The only problem with a live trap is that it will be a mixed bag on what you catch depending on the size of the trap. I have been successful in catching certain pests, however I haven't set one out since last year when I caught a skunk & had to call a trapping service to remove it.
Yikes! I think we're gonna need a bigger trap!

Then you're gonna have to manually dispatch him or her. Hopefully your neighbor has eliminated the attractive dog food nuisance.

Is that another face sticking out of a bait station in the back, or my fertile imagination?!?

I noticed that also, but its leaves that are falling now. The night vision on the camera does some funny things.

It would take a live trap that size. I don't live far from the airport, I could take him out there and drop him off in a field by the runways. That's a possibility.

Here he is, sticking his head out from under the fence

Since I got that pic above, its not tripped the camera again. If it went back under the shed, its either got another way in or my camera is not working all the time. Hopefully, it moved on.

Gonna give it another couple days and then fill in its tunnel with dirt. See if it digs out again.
I was thinking about the Rat problem the other day... Joe Pesci didn't suffer any rats in Goodfella's.... just sayin, I think you gotta whack em' when he's not expecting it... maybe fill that hole back in with dirt again, like you said, so he thinks it's the same game over again, and then BAM... he's in the trap, and then sleepin' with the fishes... OR... give em' the Hoffa treatment... add onto your patio, and hide the body under the concrete

