Question for Stoker users

Cooked a Competition this past weekend and was using a NEW probe type tru temp digital thermometer. The reading kept jumping all over the place. I then noticed the guy next to me was using a stoker and was going wireless. Would his unit give off so much RF to mess with my thermometer. It even messed with my Thermopen. I compared my new Tru Temp to my thermopen before leaving home and they were spot on with each other.
When turin times hit, everything was under cooked, only to the fact that everything was tough. Was to late to recover.
Swine Tingling BBQ Team
I always (well almost always) use a plain old analogue meat thermometer in addition to the stoker probes. This provides a conformation of the digital readings and a backup if the power goes out, the Stoker/probes fail, etc.

Just to clarify a point: the Stoker does not include any wireless capability. So if you were indeed getting RF interference, it would be from whatever wireless device the other person was using between the Stoker and his network or laptop or whatever. And that could have been any one of hundreds of different devices, so it's hard to say what it might do to your thermometer. I believe the frequencies used by wireless thermometers are nowhere near those used by WiFi, but not being an EE I can't say that a poorly designed WiFi device might not
radiate at other frequencies (harmonics?) and cause problems with other equipment.
I would guess that other similar model probes would be more likely to give erroneous results than a WiFi network (should one actually have been in use). WiFi is a pretty well-defined protocol using specific frequencies, given how ubiquitous wireless networks are it's unlikely that any RF designer would create something that overlaps. Temperature probes are all custom-built protocols and are much more likely to interfere with each other.
I would guess your problem was related to the power lines, poorly wired trailer? Were they using a local generator? Something in that range.

