Promotion Surf and Turf Dinner


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
I received a promotion to Customer Service Manager which was effective on December 1, 2013.
It is a bit of a commute to my new job location but I don’t mind it at all. Well this first week on
the new job was over and we decided to have a celebration dinner today. I picked up some frozen
Bahama lobster, a couple of tenderloin steaks and some shrimp yesterday after work. Here they
are all seasoned up and ready for the Weber.

I will let the pictures do the talking for now.

Plated with a dinner salad.

This was a real awesome and delicious dinner. This, believe it or not, was the first time I ever ate
lobster and it came out excellent. My wife sure seemed to like it a lot! Unfortunately for my wallet
I discovered that I really love the taste of lobster and I am sure this will not be the last time we
have it for dinner.

Thanks for looking.
Beautiful meal Mike and congrats on the promotion. Customer Service is tough! My wife is also a CS Manager. The very best of luck!
JiminyCrickets! I don't want no promotion, but I sure do want that PayDayDinner! ;)
Congratulations Mike!
Mike, Congrats on your promotion. Well deserved and I like your celebratory meal!!!
How's that old saying go, something like:
I have lobster tastes, on a crawdad pocketbook. :p

Congrats Mike on your promotion, and one helluva a cook!
Congrats on the job Mike! :D If you do work like you do grilling won't be long before you will be the CEO of the company. Nice grub!

