preparing for winter storage



TVWBB Member
As winter is approaching here in the UK and my grilling will be limited, I wanted to know what the best way is to prepare my Q200 for the winter. It has a cover but will unfortunately be outside all winter, my only saving grace is that where I live we get very little frost but it gets quite damp at times. I have scrapped all the grease and food from the bottom into the tray and given the grill area I brush down, do I need to anything else ? as I might get chance to use it occasionally I want it to be ready to fire up again quickly without hassles
I live in Chicago with snow, ice, sleet, rain etc. all winter long. I don't do anything to winterize our grills. We use them 12 months a year. Winter is just summer only colder. :)
clean, , oil grate, cover. either a full weber cover or a big plastic bag as I do. to cook, uncover, light, cook. and repeat.

