

Jon in SF

The wife and kid didn't really care for the slightly bitter taste of the Pepper Stout Beef I made a while back so I was wondering, is there something I could use instead of the stout? I was thinking beef broth but that may not add much flavor.
If you felt the stout gave it a bitter taste than add any beer that you like to drink. You are making a quick beef broth by braising than reducing in the foiled pan, so the addition of more beef, chicken or veg broth instead of the stout will work.

Like Tim posted, broth will work. I did two pans a while back, one with stout and the other with broth for those who might not like the stout. Both were pretty good, and next time I'll probably just mix the stout and broth 50/50.
Beef stock will give you more flavor than broth. It will also usually have more salt than broth so season accordingly. Add a healthy dose of Worcestershire and maybe a little Soy and you have a tasty jus.

On the topic of broths, I've just recently started using vegetable broth and it works really well in place of chicken or beef.
Just like when cooking with wine: why would you add some plonk you would never drink straight to a stew/pot roast? Use your favourite beer the next time (one change at a time so don't add beer AND beef stock and go from there).
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I have never made it with stout and always use the unsalted beef stock so i can control the salt level of the dish and it has turned out well each time. I use a little extra broth and drain it out and it makes a killer gravy with just the thickener of your choice needed.
Hmmm some great ideas here. I'm planning on another cook on Mother's Day. I'll let you know what I decide and how it turns out. Thanks for the advice everyone!
Agreed try a beer you like. But maltier varieties, stouts, porters, and barleywines are good choices. Hop heavy beers like pale ales and IPAs will turn bitter quickly.

