OTG Roadside Chicken, green beans, potato salad


Gary H. NJ

TVWBB Platinum Member
Hey all. Picked up a local free range 4 lb chicken, spatchcocked it and marinated using Rick Bayless's recipe.

Banked the coals so the breast was furthest away from the heat. In theory, breast and thighs should be done at the same time.
Just on:

Kept the heat moderate to avoid burning. It worked. At the 45 minute point I flipped the bird over once, skin side down for 30 minutes.

I know that 160F breast and 170F thigh is the norm, but I like to overcook grilled chicken somewhat, about 10 degrees higher. Especially if you're marinating, the chicken stays moist and is super tender -- nearly falling off the bone.
Plated and served with classic potato salad and rosemary/shallot green beans. The green salsa is the cheap and quick version: Put 4 jalapenos, 2 scallions, handful of cilantro, 1 garlic clove, juice of one lime, dash of apple cider vinegar, s&p and enough water to keep the blades turning (2-3 Tbsp...) and pulse in the blender until semi-smooth. Goes great with the chicken.


Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Thanks for stopping by. The rain managed to hold off while I grilled. Perhaps some due tonight...
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That is one beautiful bird!!! Can you really taste the cinnamon and cloves in this rub? I'm not a big fan of either in most rubs.
I like your salsa recipe, Gary - though I might toss in a few more cloves of garlic!
Nice color on your chicken, too.
nice looking bird Gary

That is one beautiful bird!!! Can you really taste the cinnamon and cloves in this rub? I'm not a big fan of either in most rubs.

Look for Ceylon cinnamon (I know Penzey's carries it). It's much more mellow and tends towards lemon citrus. I believe it's what is used in Mexican cuisine, and works better in savory dishes. Save Cassia cinnamon for dessert ;-)
I agree with a +10* finish. Exactly what I thought Saturday evening while eating. Was good but like more cooked.

Great looking bird!!!
That looks amazing, did you use 4 whole jalapeños or seeded? Will be trying that one my wife loves the heat

