Operating differences between the 22.5 and 18.5?



TVWBB Member
So I just pulled the trigger on the 22.5 after having owned an 18.5 for 5 or so years. Christmas is coming early this year!! For those that have used both, Is there anything noticeably different in the 22.5 vs the 18.5? I thought that I'd read somewhere that the 22.5 tends to run hotter. Is that true? Any other things?
The main thing I learned is that the 22 needs to be a little more carefully managed. With my 18, I have always started with all bottom vents wide open until about 200 degrees. Then I dial them back to hold 225-250. I learned not to do that with my 22. The heat can get away from you. Now, I start the 22 with one bottom vent wide open and the other two closed. I may crack the others a bit as the temperature climbs to get where I want to be. Once I get there, I'll usually set all three vents about 1/3 open or so to hold the temp. But, there are times I have one vent completely shut the whole time and use two to regulate the temp.
I have the 22 and never owned the 18 so I can't say if it runs hotter or not. I usually use the minion method when start the coals with 12 hot coals in the center of a can, then I remove the can. I keep all the vents wide open until it hits 200 and then I use a match stick and shut down the bottom vents until it hits the stick. From there I make a few more adjustments until I hit my target temperature. It always works and never gets to hot for me. I added a high heat nomex type seal around the door to prevent more air coming in. Great smoker.
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