Old Weber Grill - Any idea?

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I think it was an old smokey joe.

If you also notice, there was a triangle shaped metal rod piece next to the grills. This piece stabilized three legs with rings on the ends. These legs screwed in to the bottom of the bowl, and there was no ash pan. You can also see that the top handle appears to be 'off set'. It controled the damper.

Someone here, maybe jeff, has a brownie just like this If my recollection is correct.

(All the above is my conjecture)
Yes indeed. This is a photo from Jeff of his SJ woith off set top handle. I believe this is what was in the OP.


EDIT TO ADD: I find this design very ellegant, and a nod to the classic webber design of a triangle bottom. I can not speak to the stability or durability having never used on .......
Yeah...Smokey Joe never had legs sockets. The brown one pictured just has the leg wires go through the bowl and are held on by wing nuts (like all Smokeys) inside the bowl. Its a neat design, but not very strong or as sturdy as a new style Smokey.
Nope...that was another old Brownie. Even I couldn't have paid that much for that grill. Got mine for about 280.00 less than that one and it was new in the box too
Originally posted by Jeff Kolodziejski:
I still wouldnt pay that much!
He put it on Ebay and it sold for 307.98!!
He made a pretty nice profit. I wonder where it's at today?
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