No Salt Beef or Pork Rub


John Willems

TVWBB Member
Due to heart attack 6 years ago I'm not allowed much sodium.(2000mg a day) I looking for a general purpose rub for both beef or pork with out salt. I cook (smoke) more butts & ribs over beef. Any help will be appreciated. john
Talk about a small world. i got the hairy eyeball yesterday from my Doctor yesterday and I am now on no-zero-nada-nuttin-sodium for two months until my blood pressure goes down:mad:

Will check out those rubs as well!! Good luck to you John!!
ScottE, You'll be surprised where You find Sodium. Its in everything Naturally or ADDED!!. All processed food makers but it in their products to extend shelf Life. My Heart Doc told me so. After a while you wont miss it. You'll be able to taste it in foods. Dill pickles are My downfall. Looking forward whipping up some of the Rubs posted here. john
Most processed foods are inedible though with no salt. I once bought a can of low-salt green beans (I like french style from Green Giant). Well, my first taste was "bleh". Then I made the mistake of buying cream corn 'low-salt'.

Double bleh!

"After a while, you won't miss it". Yah well, be prepared for a long while. It's very difficult to go cold turkey on anything, least ways salt. I'm slowly reducing it in most everything but some things absolutely have to have it.

Good luck.
Personally, were a doctor to tell me that I needed to cut salt I might likely find another doctor as I would seriously question his/her bona fides. Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic but I am not one of those who buy the doctor-as-demigod nonsense. One's cardiologist might be great with heart-related physiology but treating something as fact (in this case the salt issue) that is clearly not - as it has never been even close to being established as such, even after tens and tens of millions of dollars spent on high profile studies - goes against the very science-based medical profession. (Many doctors simply parrot the 'conventional wisdom' even when it is wrong or unsupported. This has been going on time immemorial. People expect their doctors to know virtually everything - and all too many will pretend they do. I'll note here that MDs receive 0-6 hours of nutrition training - nothing to practically nothing.)

With a few clicks on the mouse one can easily find the research - and its lack of support for the 'salt-is-bad' mindset. A recent article in the New York Times (here) sums it up well. [Account at NYT required to view but I can email it to anyone who wishes. There are plenty of other articles out there though. This one is the most recent I have found.]


I make all rubs without salt, as noted in the recipes I post. This allows one to salt the meat separately - first - then, after the salt has drawn moisture to the surface, apply the saltless rub over the moisture. This approach means one can use as much or as little salt as one wishes and as much or as little rub as one wishes as one does not affect the other. I recommend this approach for almost everything, whether prepping meats for barbecue - or steaks or vegetables for the grill.
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Somewhat off topic but Mr Kruger's post reminded me of this:

The French drink more red wine than the British but live longer.

The Japanese eat more fish than the British but drink less wine and live longer.

The Germans eat more red meat than the British, and drink more beer and they live longer too.

You know the moral of this story?


'It's not what you eat or drink - it's being British that kills you.”
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All great points!! Sodium is everywhere.......I am gonna make an effort to cut back and that is about it. Only allowed one whirl and i am gonna enjoy it!!

