Newbie from Las Vegas


John C in Vegas

New member
Hello everyone.:)

I'm John from Las Vegas and new to WSM smoking. I just bought an 18" WSM from Bass Pro Shops which is still in the box.

I've spent the last few days just cruising the web to learn all I can before its first light. I stumbled on this forum and have been cramming my brain with all the great information here.:)

I've been retired since 2006 and spend my time playing poker and pursuing my amateur astronomy hobby.

Thanks for having me. I know I'll learn a lot and hope to contribute down-the-road.
Well smoking on a WSM is another great way to enjoy your retirement.
you will love the food that comes off that baby.
Welcome to the forum John. Congrats on a great smoker. You will find everyone here to be very friendly and helpful. This is a great hobby and a great way of life.

Being retired just means you have more time for the really important stuff. I call myself semi retired only because of not a lot of work but it gives me more time to pursue this great avocation. And of course, more time to spend with my wife and my granddaughter. Great time of life. You will enjoy it.
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Welcome to the forum John, congrats on getting the 18.5 you will love it. Looking forward to seeing some cooks in the future. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the food. If you have a question on anything, just ask away we have lots of great folks and they are always willing to help. Enjoy.

