New to the Stoker Family


Jeff (Jeff42nd)

New member
Hello fellow Stoker Peps

I just recently order the Stoker and it will hopefully be shipped on March 5, 2010.

I just want to say thanks in advance to all the fine members who have paved the way and posted information on the Stoker for the rest of us.

I have been reading about how to setup your Stoker, but I was trying to figure out a way to use my Iphone to control the unit while I am at work.

I found a program that allows your Iphone to run your pc anywhere you have wifi, 3g, or the E network. Do a search for "Jaadu vnc". The program cost $25 from Itunes but compared to gotomypc which is $20 a month, it will allow a Stoker user to control thier pit anywhere they have an Iphone.

I look forward in hearing more from this sites fantastic software guy, Amir. I can't forget our awesome, and helpful videos guy RobM. I hate to say this but my fourth grade students loved those video as much as I did. Maybe they enjoyed them sooooo, I wouldn't give them extra work, smart very smart

Keep up the great work everybody!

Bay City, Michigan
My Stoker Finally Arrived Wednesday Night!

I hooked everything up last night and Followed Rob's youtube guide and everything worked great! I only had to adjust the probes a few degrees, when I finished I had my 2 meat and pit temp are now all within 0.03 F.

On Saturday I will hook the Stoker up to my network and try the wired then wireless.

If all goes well, then I will be off to my welder to get my pit ready, for the season!
John has been pretty good at getting the orders out. I sent in a bad probe in and got a new one a week later. Now I'm all set for the season.

My Stoker came Friday. I followed Robs video and hooked the Stoker to my pc with a cable and it worked fine no problem. I have a spare wrt54g and was wondering if I can use it instead of a wga54g with my home network so I can monitor the Stoker and also be on the internet at the same time when at home then use the same router when away from home just to monitor the Stoker?

