My Foiling Experiment

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jeff lowe

TVWBB Super Fan
I tried a little foiling experiment. I usually buy spares from Costco that are 8.5 lbs for the 2 of them. I rubbed them right before putting them on the WSM. Usually my ribs take about 7-10 hours. I did a 5-.35- 1 cook. 5 hours in the smoker, 35 foiled and 1 hour in the smoker. It never ceases to amaze me how little time you need to foil to get the ribs more tender. I think they are just about right. Tender but not mushy. I could probably have even gone only 25-30 minutes but they are still pretty good. I then put sauce on them and finished in the broil to crisp them up a little but not burn the sauce. Not traditional at all but I was in an experimental mood.
The bark was good. I had the temp between 235-250 on the top rack. I actually put them back in the smoker for 1.5 hours after the foiling, then finished them in the broiler.
Forgive the terrible beginner nature of this question, but by foiling, you're pulling them off, wrapping them tightly in foil, and putting them back... and doing this as fast as possible? or time doesn't matter so much?

Never done this before. I don't want to assume anything goofy. (Just bought my WSM today).
It's not critical that you do the foiling super fast, but you should have things set up so that when you take them off you can immediately wrap them and put them back on. While you're doing this, put the lid back on so you don't get too much of a temp variation.

Also, probably a good idea to give a spray with apple juice before foiling.

Is it important to foil wrap the rack individually or can you wrap 2 or 3 together?
I wrapped 2 together last week for 1 hour and did not get much of a tenderising effect. Perhaps they were not wrapped tightly enough?
Thanks for your response.

You should wrap individually as Paul stated. To save some space, I always put the cut racks back they become one slab. I then wrap each complete slab individually.

Once they are foiled, I then stack them atop each other. I have gone as high as 3 racks stacked atop and they cook exactly the same. Keep in mind, this is ONLY after wrapping.
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