My first WSM 18.5 or 22.5 ?


Dan RS

New member
I am in the process of deciding what size WSM to buy. I usually smoke 3 butts, 5 to 7 lbs. I would like to learn brisket and ribs.

Is the larger cooker to big? I understand the 18.5 has a great reputation, is the 22.5 just as good.

The tragedy is I can only afford one!

Any advise would be greatly appreciated,

Dan... <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> </pre>
Hi Dan and welcome aboard.

I have had an 18 1/2" WSM for over a year, and I recently got the 22 1/2" model. They both turn out great 'q.

I got the bigger WSM because of it's larger size.

If you get the 22 1/2" model, it's all you will ever need.

Good luck,

I've owned an 18.5 for several years. Finally took the plunge recently and bought a 22.5. Smoked 4 butts overnight last weekend. It uses more fuel than the smaller WSM but I really love the additional space. I'm looking forward to being able to comfortably fit ribs on the cooking grate without having to bend them.

You'll have to decide if you need/want the additional space.

I don't regret purchasing the larger model.
I bought the 18.5" used it for a month and sold it. Tomorrow the 22.5" will be delivered

I think I could use some more space also because I would like to invite others for som BBQ.

I am going to build the Mini wsm this summer for the occasional butt.
Hi Dan and welcome. A lot depends on your needs and expectations. I started out with a WSM 22, I had a Platinum first with a smokenator. I also started out using the water pan...3 gallons! A lot of water, a lot of fuel. I did 5 cooks and decided it was not for me and sold it after I bought an 18. Just my opinion..for the two of us and the grandbrats when they come over. Personally I like the 18 but if this is your only charcoal cooker you can grill, whatever on the 22 and have lots of room. You can build the fire in the mid section if you wish. My advice...see if you can find something used and buy that at a price you can re sell it for. You will get lots of opinions but I feel the 18 is very efficient for it's size. Good luck with your choice.
I'm like Gary. The 18.5 meets all my needs for a smoker. I like it and I have cooked pork butts for a large group. If I had been cooking ribs the 18.5 would have been too small. My only reason for thinking about the 22.5 is to do larger quantities of ribs.

The bottom line is they are both quality cookers so you just need to figure out how much space you need now and in the future and go for it. The WSM will last a long time so think ahead, as best you can, as you make your decision. If you NEED the 18 but WANT the 22 then get the big boy.
I got the 22" right of the bat thinking if i ever need more space i have it. Then after a few cooks i thought *** this is a way to big smoker for me and it eats fuel. But after it have had it´s 10+ cooks...It doesent eat mutch fuel @ all. Today i smoked some Salmon. Aimed for 185f...Turned out to settle @ 198f. I started with a MM with one small layer of what was left from the last run. 3Briq´s fire.(lit altough this is some big *** briq´s) And it still was to hot. If i could go back in time,i still would have got the 22"!
One more in favor of you going with the 22.

My personal story is I've had 2 - 18.5 WSMs. Never cooked on either one. First one was a used unit that had some cosmetic damage. Cleaned it up really good, fixed the porcelain damage and sold it after it sat on my deck unused for a couple of months.

The other 18.5 I bought brand new from Home Depot, put it together late last fall, and sold three nights ago after looking at it gather dust in my garage for 6 months.

Bought a 22.5 about six weeks ago and will break it in three weeks from now with an 8 lb pork butt and 5 or 6 slabs of spare ribs - at one time.

I believe it's better to have the capacity when you need it, and the option to cook smaller portions when you don't.
I have only had my 22 and do not regret it for a minute. I moved from a cabinet smoker and one the biggest reasons for me was the ability to do full slabs without cutting in half. I f I am only doing 1-2 slabs I have no issues using my OTS, but then again, I always cook for leftovers or the freezer.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dan RS:
I am in the process of deciding what size WSM to buy. I usually smoke 3 butts, 5 to 7 lbs. I would like to learn brisket and ribs.

Is the larger cooker to big? I understand the 18.5 has a great reputation, is the 22.5 just as good.

I just picked up a 22.5".

Thank You for all the advise, great site with very helpful members. Wish a found this years ago.

The tragedy is I can only afford one!

Any advise would be greatly appreciated,

Dan... <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> </pre> </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

