My Best Brisket!


E Mann

My Brother-in-Law asked that I show him how to smoke a brisket. Although I agreed, I was a little hesitant as my briskets usually turn out terrible. After a ton of research, I decided to inject with beef broth, Worcestershire & some rub that I made that I'll thank OK joe's for

Trimmed, injected & rubbed (I made the brother-in-law do all the work but somehow I was the one cleaning up)! Smoked for just under 11-hrs overnight and the temps stayed constant the entire time (plus the 3-hrs we had it going for our dinner). This was seriously the best brisket I've ever made & could be one of the best backyard briskets I've had the pleasure of devouring! It was so good that we couldn't even wait to put it on a plate so we ate it off the cutting board. Next time I'll go a little lighter on the rub but it was great!


Thanks all. I realize the pics are pretty bad but the food was amazing. Sadly, tomorrow the leftovers will be gone tomorrow:( so the brother in law asked if we could smoke another this weekend!!

