My attempt at pernil.


Jason Noble

TVWBB All-Star
Was getting tired of the traditional pulled pork. Decided to give pernil a try. Used the cooks country recipe. Marinaded for 16 hours. I ran the smoker approx 350 with one chunk of cherry. I peeled the skin back and put the paste underneath.

213 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
215 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

A couple hours in. The skin slid off the side, should of used tooth pics.

216 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
237 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
242 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr
245 by wasatchbbq, on Flickr

Served over rice with a little lime juice and meat drippings. Loved the marinade, tons of flavor. Going to do Cuban sandwiches for dinner tonight. Thanks for looking.
I have had Pernil made by some Dominican friends and its a nice change from Carolina styled pulled pork. yours looks really nice.
Don't have a clue what Pernil should look like, but I do know when I see something that looks good. Your Pernil looks very tasty
Looks fantastic Jason. I bookmarked a thread a while back as this looked interesting, not to mention delicious. Kind of forgot about it and never got to it. Think I'll give it a try one of these days.

