More Bacon!!


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame




I'll smoke them in ten daze.
Looking forward to the results Dwain. Would love to try making it but no pork bellies here at all.
Great looking start! Love when you can get a belly like that. After you are done,that belly would tripple in price
Looks great, Dwain. Will check back and see the finish. I've done it a couple of times now, much smaller pieces of belly. Next time I'm going with a more sizeable portion. I go through the 10 day process and after we eat a little and I give some away, it's time to do another one.
Looks great. I'm about to cure my first bellies tomorrow. Can't wait to share some pics and compare some bacon! This place has taught me so much...can't wait to learn more about bacon together.

