Looking for Flexible Natural Gas Hose


Daryl H

New member
OK, this is a long shot...

I have a new Genesis S-330 natural gas grill, and love it! It has been a great replacement for my old Holland Grill that needed $250 worth of parts to carry on.

Last weekend, I moved the grill to mow, and rolled it from behind the house. That night, we had unexpected winds that came through with gusts over 50 MPH. The grill tipped over, but suffered no damage I can find.

The 10' flexible gas hose, though, was pulled so hard between the grill and gas connection that it came apart and is ruined.

I've been looking for a replacement today, but am finding prices from $100-150, which seems awfully high as a percentage of the grill's price.

I doubt anyone else has been foolish enough to allow this to happen, and really most people probably have LP grills, anyway, but I thought it was worth asking the "pros" who frequent this site...

Does anyone know a good source for a flexible 1/2 grill hose? 15-20' length would be a real advantage, too. The 10' factory length is pretty inconvenient in my yard...

They may only be available in shorter lengths, for safety reasons:

Leaving a long, coiled gas line laying on the ground could double as both a trip hazard, and as a potential gas leak in the making.

Whatever is available will probably be expensive because when outdoors, it needs to be both weather and Ultraviolet (pounding sunlight) resistant.

If you think you need a long flex line, here's what I would suggest:

Put a 4" X 4" post, set in concrete, within a foot or two of where you normally want to connect your gas grill.

Run a gas line to it, or extend your existing line (burried hard pipe - usually 1-inch or 2/4-inch black pipe or galvanized) and add a local shut-off valve and quick-disconnect fitting.

Then, when you want to store your gasser, you can simply shut-off the gas and disconnect it.
(many quick-connects have a built-in shut-off valve).

I know that it's more than you bargained for, but when dealing with N.G., it's the proper and SAFE way to go.
You could try contacting a bottled propane dealer that rents temp heat for job-sites like hicksgas.
Those lines are made to withstand abuse in construction and are available in diff lengths.
Pricey? I have no idea..


