

Doug KC

I've been put in charge of the knives for our bbq team. I want to invest in some knives that'll be good for slicing brisket and other meats. I've read on here that Forschner knives are good. Are there any others that anyone would recommend. Also, what about electric knives? I thought that might be a good option for slicing brisket for competitions.
for slicing brisket, look for a long slicer. I have an 11" forschner w/ a granton edge. It serves the pupose well enough. Sometimes it seem like I can't keep an edge on it though. (reminds me, i need to get it sharpend)

I know some teams use electric knives, and I'd like to start shopping around for some.
Yeah, on YouTube I watched Q Haven's videos and the sliced their brisket with an electric knife from what I could tell. I would be interested to see how it would do on a brisket.

Thanks for the link to the knife thread!
I think the nam e on the knife is over rated. The most importatnt thing is to keep it sharp with the ability to get them sharpened professionally for 3 bucks a knife.I got some Chicago Cutlery at target that has worked great. I also have some high end hand made knives.

