Kingsford Competition Briquets press release

Man, is there some Kingsford hate in this thread or what!

Personally, K is much easier for me to acquire than hardwood lump. I can get Cowboy locally, but I wasn't totally impressed by its burn time, although it worked well for doing steaks on my OTG. I did score a 20 lb bag of Nature-Glo locally a couple weeks ago at a local grill shop, but at $17.99 for the bag, I won't make a habit of using it. Not to mention it sparked so much people thought I was celebrating the New Year two weeks early!

Back on topic, I can't wait to give the Competition Briquets a shot. I've never had anything but good luck with K. Yes, it smells a little funny on ignition, but I've never detected it in my food and none of my guests have said anything about off tastes or smells.
I'll try them. I hope the ash isn't as light and fluffy as Rancher. That stuff flies all around it's so light.
I'll give a couple of bags a shot. I have an open mind about this, but I know I won't like it and will go back to my lump.
Right Jerry, that fluffy flying ash is bad news. Nice pooch by the way, although I don't like the way it is looking at me.
My logic was backwards. I first thought they would have compressed it tighter, so that it might burn slower and hotter per unit of volume.

Either way, I will be glad to give it a try.
Back on topic, I can't wait to give the Competition Briquets a shot. I've never had anything but good luck with K. Yes, it smells a little funny on ignition, but I've never detected it in my food and none of my guests have said anything about off tastes or smells.

I haven't experimented much with other sources of burn material other than the Rancher everyone raved about a couple years ago. I agree Dan...none of my guests have ever complained about any the smell of BBQ smoke as it drifts over their deck.
Yes, my point was just that I find it odd when company's announce a "concentrate" or "longer lasting" product and subsequently lower the quantity in the container. How many household and cleaning products has this happened to??

I fully understand it's done with price point in mind, but its kinda like Trident saying "our new gum lasts 10 times as long so therefore our ten pack is now a one pack".
They are selling by volume, not by weight, because consumers tend to use charcoal by volume, not by weight. The briquet is the exact same size/shape as before. The bag contains the same number of briquets as before. The ingredients going into the briquet are lighter. Therefore the bag weighs less. It's not the same as a concentrate or selling soft drinks in an 8-pk instead of a 12-pk. It's a new formulation of ingredients that weigh less because it's all wood char, not coal and mineral char that weigh more.

This sounds like K's answer to Rancher.....
(from what I have heard about Rancher).

If this is their new "angle", I will antiously await the chance to give it a try.
Not trying to split hairs (but i think i'm giong to)... as like I said originally, I'm glad they are listening to customers who want a more natural product.

They are definately selling by weight "The new briquets are available in a 12-lb bag (lasts the same as 14-lb original)".
While I understand the same number of briq's is now lighter, but the fact is the bag is sold by weight and not volume or they would say something like "bag contains 200 briqs or bag contains X cubic feet of product".... similar to something like Smokinlicious does. But they don't because that would open themselves to lawsuits and such as people would inevitably find fewer briq's then the package says or they would be broken....etc.

Let face it... this is done for pricing reasons. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, because every company does it. If you produce a "longer lasting" product, you shink the packages because otherwise you are the most expensive item on the shelf. Like it or not, many people aren't good enough at math (or care enough) to break down the cost per usage, and therefore choose something "middle of the pack".

Like I said, I understand it's all business, but it still cheeses me. I'm a straight forward guy who doesn't appreciate when company's try to do a song and dance instead of being honest.
Originally posted by Scooter B:
... instead of being honest.

If the company says that it is a 12-pound bag and it actually does weigh 12 pounds, where is the dishonesty?

If I'm buying a new product I might logically want to know how it compares to the old. Right there on the package it says that this 12 pounds of charcoal is roughly equivalent to the old 14# bag. That might be helpful to me the consumer. No dishonesty that I can spot.

Now when my toothpaste shrinks by an ounce or two, the box stays roughly the same shape and size, and the price remains the same, that is a different thing. That doesn't seem to be what is going on here, however.

I don't like being held down by the MAN any more than the next guy, but I don't see the problem here. This is my opinion, but I am not often wrong, you know
I tend to agree, Pete. When I bought my Original Charcoal Company lump, it's a 10# bag (or so) and it markets the product as being equal to 20# of briquettes. I'm paraphrasing because I don't have the bag in front of me, but you get the gist. If they are showing relativity, that is fine with me.

But consumers do get heard, occasionally. I personally don't see the 20-pack of soda that was briefly on the supermarket shelves for the same price as 24.
It seem as though people are trying to create controversy where there really is none. If the charcoal in a 16.5 lb. bag is the same size as the charcoal in a 21 lb. bag, then the only difference between the two is the density of the new charcoals. Think about it. You will be putting the same amount of charcoal in the ring. It just won't weigh as much.

As far as I'm concerned, the only real considerations should be 1) does it burn cleaner and with less ash than the old version, 2) has the acrid smell of the burning charcoal been reduced, and 3) does it burn hotter and longer than the old version. If the answer to those questions is yes, then I think we have a winner. After that, it just boils down to what you prefer using, lump or briquette.
I'm sorry if it appears like I'm stirring the pot. I'm not intentially trolling. I think I have been clear that I think the move is a good one. Obviously a more natural product that should be widely available is good news for our hobby.

I'll cease posting on this thread as I know it isn't productive and I'm not interested in getting anyone upset or worked up. I love this site and everyone on it. I look forward to the product reviews!
Scooter - hard to get too worked up over charcoal, Kingsford or otherwise. I can't imagine that anybody is upset over the debate contained in this topic of discussion.
Originally posted by Dave/G:
I'll give a couple of bags a shot. I have an open mind about this, but I know I won't like it and will go back to my lump.

Sorry Dave, but that is a contradiction... "open mind BUT I KNOW I WON'T LIKE IT"... sounds like your mind is slammed shut to me

I WILL give you "open mind but I'm not sure I'll like it until I try it"

Just giving the chain a hearty yank...
Originally posted by JimT:
I just visited the site, and there is no mention of the new charcoal, or Chris Lilly, or those interesting sounding recipes.
I found the recipes in the press kit that Kingsford sent me. I have posted them in the appropriate Recipe Forums. Some are grilling, some are low & slow barbecue.


Charcoal-Grilled Turkey with Fresh Herb Butter
Apple Cider Ribs
Beer-Basted Pulled Pork Sliders
Steak and Vegetable Skewers with Mustard Horseradish Sauce
Peppered Ahi Tuna with Cantaloupe & Pineapple Salsa
Crisp Spicy Southern Mustard Coleslaw
As soon as somebody finds a large national carrier selling this product, please share it with the board.

I think overall its a good move for Kingsford. I will be inclined to try it. I hope the whiz reviews it as well.
On Jan. 2, Kingsford told me that the product is already shipping to retailers. Look for it at Home Depot and Costco. In fact, some Costco locations will sell the Competition Briquets in lieu of "blue bag" Kingsford as they want to sell only one charcoal product. That seems like the opposite of what I would have expected...that Costco would opt to sell "blue bag", not the competition briquet.


