Jalapeno Cream Cheese Chicken Thighs


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
I saw this recipe a couple of weeks ago and it went on my to do list when I had the chance. Managed to get it done a couple of days ago. Did a cast iron veggie medley and some roasted red potatoes to go along with it.

Not much to it. I'm not much for boneless skinless chicken, but I took one for the team to do this cook. Along with the thighs I thawed some bacon and sliced up some jalapenos and a pack of cream cheese.


Tucked the cream cheese and a few slices of jalapeno in each thigh and wrapped with a single slice of bacon.


Recipe called to place a slice of butter on each thigh. I kind of balked at this as when the chicken heats the butter would probably just slide off the thigh and collect in the pan. I caved and went ahead and did it.


Put together the veggies.


On the smoker.


Sides on a little later.


About 45 minutes or so.



Foiled the pan after about an hour.


Removed foil and the thighs were about 170 or so.

Brushed on some bbq sauce and gave them another 10 or 15 minutes.


All done.


Sides done.


Plated it up.



Everything was really good and this was a fun cook. I'm kind of a no frills guy when it comes to chicken. A little salt and pepper and done on the grill while I down a couple of beers. That's my favorite, but it's fun to try new things. Thanks for looking everyone.
That looks great Cliff. Did the butter end up in the pan?
Barb and I are always trying new recipes we seldom do the same recipe twice except for some favorites we have. It might be the main course or the sides, but usually there is always something new.
Good job, Cliff. Anytime I'm making something that calls for BS chicken I use thighs, but unfortunately they're not as widely available as breasts.

Are you any good at deboning? I'll bet that recipe would be just as good without the bacon if the thighs still had the skin.
Thanks everyone!

Did the butter end up in the pan?

Yep. I do think the meat picked up a little flavor however.


Are you any good at deboning? I'll bet that recipe would be just as good without the bacon if the thighs still had the skin.

That's a good idea. I thought about it but wasn't sure how the skin would do that was under the overlap and under the bacon as well. Might give it a try sometime.

