It's only Monday and I already have my weekend smokes planned...


Lee A

TVWBB Member

But since you asked...

Going to butterfly and grill a chicken on Saturday and possibly a meatloaf on Sunday. Also want to work some jerky in there somewhere.

Who else has their schedule set?
Thinking about breaking in my new OTG 22.5 with some roadside chicken. Butt on my wsm, some fattys, if i can get my "burnt" foot working by then.
Jerry P
I'm cooking for the first time (spare ribs) on my WSM. I'll BBQ a pork butt tomorrow - it has the rub on and in the fridge right now.

What type of sausages do you use (I'm assuming these are fatties)?
Just plain old breakfast sausage that comes in a "tube" from the grocery store, like Jimmy Dean or similar.

I just throw them right on straight out of the package and they make a good snack or side dish, others like to apply a rub or stuff them with various things.

Check out for an overview.

Oh, and add in 2lbs of hickory smoked jerky tonight. Can't forget those. I may even throw on either a fattie or a pack of dogs and smoke them for dinner too.

Hey, no sense in wasting the fuel, eh?
You're just like me. I start thinking of next week's menu before the Sunday is even over. I think this weekend I'm going to cook a few Tri-tips, some whole chicken's and maybe break out the deep fryer for some buffalo wings.
Tri-tip is on sale this week for $2.99 a pound here so I'm thinking I'll do a couple of tri's on the OTG with a little hickory. Maybe some sausages too.

Larry, It's on sale here at Albertsons for the same price. I usually grab around 6 or so when they are that cheap just to freeze and will probably cook around 3 of them on Friday. That seems to be the food of choice when my buds come over. I either make that one really good or they just don't like my other stuff

