It's a steak but nothing fancy



TVWBB Olympian
I don't do all that many steaks lately, and I see that the latest challenge is T bones so you might be seeing another one of these from me before long....but this was probably more suited for a steak sandwich :)

I went to the store yesterday afternoon for chicken thighs & was taking a quick look @ the steaks when the butcher chatted me up. He pointed these out from the discount section & I grabbed them quickly.

This one's ~.75#, a little SPOG on it

on with a few mesquite chips - 4 minutes on one side then 3 minutes on the other (probably 10 minutes total actual)

There was a bit of a surprise rain/thunder storm but that started well before my cook

It was well done, under-salted, but I enjoyed this rare treat with some Heinz 57
Nice plate of food Clint! That is one nice looking t-bone, and nothing better than a good t-bone washed down with a shot of tequila!
if you like bloody marys & haven't made one with tequila - I invite you to do one now! My friend suggested it a couple weeks ago or so and I thought it was a joke (his gf is a long time bartender). I tried it last night & that's about the simplest improvement that can be made, IMHO, to the Bloody Mary.
You did good Clint that's a nice looking T-Bone. Like I've said in previous posts some of the best deals on meat are found in the 'dog food section of the meat department' I always check there first.
Tequila in a BM, well why not. Although I've always related tequila to jet fuel I'd give it a try.
Fantastic Steak, thunderstorm or not! Hows the water? I like it at about 80 degrees :)

