I know this sounds odd...but how about smoked fruitcake?

I was introduced to smoked cream cheese this week, and to my surprise it was delicious. At the same time, I've been watching Raichlen's "Project Smoke" and seeing the odd things he puts in the smoker. All this got me to wondering: what odd things might I try smoking?

As it happens, I love fruitcake. Always have. And since Raichlen claims that smoke makes everything better, it might do wonders to my favorite fruited baked good!

Anyone try it?
<scratches head> I have a funny feeling that this is either going to wildly succeed or fail horribly. Personally, I don't think that smoking a finished fruitcake will have much effect, but baking the fruitcake in a smoker..... now, ya might have something there.

I've done a side by side cheesecake test here, one in the oven, one in the smoker, with an identical recipe. Very little smoke characteristic.

Try it & report back. I think that my g/f may be one of the 12 people on earth who likes fruitcake, might have to make this if it turns out.
Go very light on the smoke. Like maybe 5 minutes of smoke. I did an apple pie a few weeks back and overdid the smoke. It was edible with a lot of vanilla ice cream, but a much lighter touch was called for.
A friends Mom used to make the only fruitcake that I would waste the calories on. It was delicious! Sorry I never got that recipe! I’ll have to see if Chris has it.
Come on Grant, take one for the team, I’m thinking some peach or cherry smoke might be pretty good. Maybe the smoked cream cheese on the regular fruitcake?
I actually love a good fruitcake. Every year 2 arrive on my doorstep. They are home made by a friend that asked what I'd like for Christmas many years ago. I knew they couldn't/shouldn't spend a lot on a pricey bottle of something for me, so I thought of what I like to eat that was seasonal. That started this thing that's been going on for about 15 years now. I had a slice yesterday morning with coffee. Smoked? I dunno. But I'm willing to listen.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
That’s my line John!
and Bret, that isn’t true, the space race was not about because we could but we should!
And as for the delightful secondary applications of the other brilliant ideas that simply happened, that is serendipity.

