How to use both racks?



New member
I have NEW 14.5":) I've done a test run with chicken and had not problem regulating temp etc using the donut method.
On the fourth of July my plan is to make 2 racks of ribs. But I'm not sure of the best way to use the two grates...

I could cut the racks into four pieces, and (I think) 2 pieces would fit on each grate. It's my understanding the top grate runs hotter than the bottom grate. Where should I place my thermometer to check cook temp--the top or bottom rack? And then would I need to rotate the top/bottom grate food during the cook? How do that without having the lid off for a long time?

I could use a rib rack on the top grate. I have a Brinkman rack that fits and looks like would hold the four pieces. Again, I assume with this method I would monitor the temp on the top rack?

Thanks in advance!
I don't have a 14.5", and you didn't specify the type of ribs, but I'd think you could fit a modest slab of SLC spare ribs or baby backs per rack by cutting them in half and laying flat. The temperature variance from top to bottom (usually) isn't huge and may not make much difference in a shorter cook (4-5 hours), but if you can rotate them halfway through, that would ensure even cooking. You'd just have to do it kind of quick. What I would do is...

1. Have a table large enough to hold both cooking grates side-by-side handy, lay down some cardboard or newspaper to make cleanup easier
2. Remove the lid
3. Take out both racks and set them on the table
4. Replace lid (to prevent too much temp drop)
5. Swap the ribs between the racks
6. Remove the lid
7. Replace the racks & lid

If you have a restaurant supply store nearby, you could pick up a couple of these (1/4 sheet pan racks), which will let you move the contents of each grate more quickly. I use them (when I remember) for butts and chuck roasts to make it easier to pull them from my 18.5".

Finally, if you have that rib rack, and the ribs fit comfortably (you want some space between them for air/smoke to circulate), you could fit all 4 half-racks on there and do them all on the top (or bottom) grate. I have a rack that's a knock-off of the Brinkmann rack and it works OK for thinner SLCs or baby backs, but you really need to test-fit your ribs.
Welcome to the forum, Sara!

Some good info here:

Post some pix of your rib cook, please.

fwiw - Brinkman has got out of biziness, so if you check the above thread & know what the rack looks like... you should be able to find one that will work.

Thanks Rob! I used that very link to get the Brinkman rib rack from Amazon!
I think I'm going to try lying 4-halfs flat on the racks, switching halfway. I bet it will turn out great!
Sara, you could roll your ribs without cutting them...

Bob Correll photo

and if your 14"WSM has a therm in the lid, i don't see a reason to monitor the temp anywhere else.
if you're concerned about one rack getting more heat than the other, you could rotate every hour or so...

