How long can I hold a sholder


Dave S

TVWBB Super Fan
First of all happy 4th to all. I have been asked to supply Q for 20 this afternoon, I put a 9.7lb shoulder on 11.45 last night despite all the problems I had (732 acting up,need new probes I think) My butt is about ready to be pulled soon. SL spares went on a 10:30 and BB will go on at 11:30. I am suppose to deliver food 4:30/5:00. I have hot water in the cooler new to heat it up and I will double foil when I pull 11:00/11:15, question is will it hold for 4 1/2 hours? I have never held one past 2/3 hours. I will hold off pulling it until I get to the party.

Thanks for any input
I held a pork butt of a similar size for over 5 hours once and when i pulled it out of the cooler, which i got hot by adding boiling water, and unwrapped from the towels and foil it was still burning my hands as i pulled it. I think you will be perfectly fine.
Thanks for the input guys, It just went in the cooler so not much more I can do, This is the first one that came to temp earlier than I planed, I will have to live by the saying " Q is ready when it's ready" something like that. Lets see what the ribs do to me now
I put a butt on at 11:45 last night too. Mine is still in stall stage, with cook temps pretty low.

It will go in the ice chest when done in early afternoon and sit until the party at about 6, at which time it will still be hot as heck.
I put a butt on at 11:45 last night too. Mine is still in stall stage, with cook temps pretty low.

It will go in the ice chest when done in early afternoon and sit until the party at about 6, at which time it will still be hot as heck.

I hate that stage.. i'm never patient enough for it.. I've got a brisket sitting there right now.. thought it literally just jumped about 5 degrees in the last 1/2 hour.. sitting at 169 according to my maverick... Having issues keeping the 22.5 below 270.. full water pan, I've got 2/3 vents closed down low.. other vent is only 1/2 open.. and I've had to start closing my top vent so I could get temps back down.. man these things like to run warm..
Chris looks like you timed it better than I, the smoker settled in about 266, Ribs on now still need to get beans and ABT's going soon and I am tired!!!
I hate that stage.. i'm never patient enough for it.. I've got a brisket sitting there right now.. thought it literally just jumped about 5 degrees in the last 1/2 hour.. sitting at 169 according to my maverick... Having issues keeping the 22.5 below 270.. full water pan, I've got 2/3 vents closed down low.. other vent is only 1/2 open.. and I've had to start closing my top vent so I could get temps back down.. man these things like to run warm..
I've had the same problems with mine. My last cook I had a really hard time. I just got the cajun bandit door and boy has it made a huge difference. So far on this cook I've got the top wide open, and 2 bottom vents closed and one at 1/4 and I'm at 241 and I went with no water on this cook. Started with 12 coals though and let the temp come up slowly. Last cook with the old door I had the top at half and the bottom completely closed and couldn't tame that beast at all.

Problem with the cajun bandit door is it doesn't come with a latch and the weber one doesn't work all that well. I've got a southco compression latch coming.
I wanted to follow up on this thread from yesterday with the results. As I said I pulled and wrapped the butt at 11:15, I brought the food to the party at 4:45 and was informed some guests were late and dinner would be at 6. It was still hot at 6, not blazing hot but enough that it needed no reheat. So it held for 6 1/2 hours. Just another note the cooler I use for butts is not a full size but one you can fit a 12 pack into. I would never do this on purpose but thought it was good info to pass along for anyone in the future.

The ones I have done and then put in a cooler with towels have all been very hot to the touch at 2 hours after. I can imagine they would hold for alot longer than that!

