How’s Your Sriracha Stash?

Re: The Huy Fong's either incompetent supply chain risk management in the production pipeline or it's a fabricated shortage to attempt to create greater demand. Either way, I'm finding alternatives which are pretty darn good.
Jay.... They had a single source of chili from the beginning. Both enjoyed the growth benefits. One day, David Tran attempted to get a better deal with that single supplier. Supplier told David Tran where to go. Supplier began producing their own brand. And so it started....
Jay.... They had a single source of chili from the beginning. Both enjoyed the growth benefits. One day, David Tran attempted to get a better deal with that single supplier. Supplier told David Tran where to go. Supplier began producing their own brand. And so it started....
Supply chain risk management problem and a crap shoot business decision than.
I like Sriracha sauce, I bought into the fad when it became popular. I can take or leave it though. I haven't bought any in years and don't really miss it, and I love hot sauce of all kinds. I've been experimenting lately making my own with some good results. I do better making hot sauce than BBQ sauce for some reason.
During one of the plant tours, partner entities were lined up just outside the plant for us to try their wares. Siracha Ice Cream, which was excellent ! Siracha pop corn. Siracha chocolate, which was also excellent. We were sent home with some delicious samples.

