High Heat Method: Flat Only?


Rob O

Hi. Anybody have any thoughts on whether/how to do a Flat Only using High Heat? Don't have much experience with HH method but thought I might give it a try.

Found an untrimmed choice flat at Cotco about 30% cheaper than I normally pay so I figured why not.

I'm working with about a 3/4" fat cap. Flat itself is a little thin down at the blade end 11/2" On average about 2" and goes to about 21/2" toward the point end.

Whaddya think? HH or low and slow?
If it was mine, inject with a mix of Worcestershire and Apple Juice, smoke at 250-275 until bark forms on surface then in to a foiled on top aluminum pan until tender with some ACV and AJ in the pan. Even if bark is not perfect would not cook it past about 160 internal before foiling as the flats can dry out real quick.
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If it was mine, inject with a mix of Worcestershire and Apple Juice, smoke at 250-275 until bark forms on surface then in to a foiled on top aluminum pan until tender with some ACV and AJ in the pan. Even if bark is not perfect would not cook it past about 160 internal before foiling as the flats can dry out real quick.

Hey Bill. Know what? That's pretty much the way I always do my flats. Right around 250. I use beef broth in my injection instead of worcestershire since I use a rub that can be kind of salty.

I do a paste for the initial rub. Fat side down. Have been foiling around 170 but think I'm going to go lower this time. About 30 mins before I pull I defoil, raise the temp to about 300, hit it with some more rub but dry this time. Let the bark firm up. Pull and refoil. A bit of effort but it works.

Flats drying out was the whole reason I posted about High Heat. Not sure I'm going to do it unless someone has a different idea.
HH is basically the same method as Bill does at 275, it's just done quicker. Never done just a flat but I do mine by time not temp. Get cooker to 350-375, put brisket on, foil after 2 hours, start checking for tender after another 13/4-2 hours. This works for packers from 12-16lbs and I never had one go more than 5 hours. For your flat I would probably foil at 11/2 hrs and check for tender in 1-11/2 hours to be on the safe side. Make sure not to wrap in foil to tight because a lot of liquid will come out of the meat while foiled. I don't inject or add liquid, just a simple rub of course ground salt,pepper, garlic flakes, onion flakes and some chipotle or red pepper flakes.
Well... already injected. What to do.... Might actually come down to what time dinner is served.....
OK. I'm going to give HH a try. Will post up in a different thread.

Cook will be 10lb flat injected and resting for about 36 hours. Straigh out of the fridge and into pit at 350*F.
10lbs is a pretty big flat. I'd go 2 hrs then foil then test for done in 1-11/2 hrs or foil at 160 then test for done in 1-11/2 hrs. Not 100% sure on the timing for just a flat.

