Hello from the Northern part of Sweden


Niclas E

New member
Im a dedicated BBQ:er with a serious smoke addiction since a couple of years back when I got my WSM 22", moving up from doing snakes on the kettle.
Started grilling on my dads home made half barrel open pit from the age of 10, learning the hard way how to manage the flames even without any lid dampener.
Now at 40+ years, it is all about the meat, smoke, rub, flavor layering, temperature management and giving my family and friends the best eating experience possible, every time.
Everything can be made better on the grill, almost... At least you have to try it to know it. :)

-I love the smell of a maillard reaction in the morning.
Welcome Niclas to the forum. Looking forward to your cooks and lots of pics. It's a great forum and lots of awesome people, one big happy family for sure.

