Hanging ribs and pork belly


Matthew Y

Early father's day bbq for myself.

After seeing Benji's Pork belly and following Enrico's method (http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?564...first-not-last-for-sure!&highlight=pork+belly). I had to try it myself. SPOG rub overnight and cooked indirect @ 400. 2 handful of Cherry wood chips. Was ready in 1hr. Tasted amazing! My 2yr old loved it! And he's an extremely picky eatter.

Wanted to test out Hanging ribs like the PBC on my Napoleon smoker. Used Maple Leaf Lump with Minion method. Meathead's Memphis dust rub overnight. 1 Apple chunk. Lid temp was 300 the entire cook. After 2 hours. The ribs to my surprised was already passing the bend test. I.T was showing 195-200. Sauced it with Sweet Baby Ray's and put it back in the smoker for another 30 min. This is by far the best ribs I've ever made. Extremely juicy and fall off the bone with a nice tug.

Some folks say you can't get the same results from a WSM as you can on a PBC. Looks like you have proven them wrong. lol I have been using that method for awhile on my mini WSM.

