Grommet Mod For New ET-732

I have done it both ways, under the lid & through a grommet. Just got a WSM and I'm installing a grommet on it soon. I just prefer that method. Functional and looks cleaner.

I'm hoping this works. Here is a mod I did using the existing grill strap hole and enlarging it as well as the drill strap.
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Where are you all finding this 1/2" exterior, 1/4" interior electrical threading?

I've now gone to both Home Depot and Lowes to find it, and both places told me that the smallest I will find is 1/2" ID and 3/4" ED.

I'm not sure I want to drill a 3/4" hole into my WSM as I am nervous about cracking the enamel.
It's fine thread lamp rod and it's 3/8" OD and 1/4" ID. I went to a hardware store and found it there. It's all over in various places, Lowes HD...look in the lighting section, quite common. Then I bought the smallest pipe nipple I could find. It threads on about two turns and is tight. Works for me. There's just enough diamenter in the garage door handle to accomodate a 3/8" bit. Also plenty of room in the grill strap. I then used butcher cord as a seal against the porcelain. This mod is simple, easy and effective. It looks nice and extra holes.

Here is a picture of the lamp rod and hex nuts I used. You can spray paint the side that will be outside black beforehand an you will never notice them. I got them in the lamp section at Home Depot. You can see the item# on the packages.


Also in the lamp section is the end caps that I used. I sprayed these black, an idea I found on this forum.
Great mod Mr Mann......

With the painters tape it was a piece of cake. I did have problem finding the nuts for the 3/8s tube but I just bought a couple of variety packs to get what I needed.

Also bought a few caps at your suggestion and painted with high temp black.



Also took some leftover rod material and made a place to put my cap when the probes are being used.



Thanks again for posting this up.
Bob, thanks for putting up this mod. I received my first WSM last weekend for my birthday and have done two sessions; chicken and ribs (best ribs I have ever made by far...).

Was thinking on the same issue--not wanting my ET-732 wires to get crimped in the lid. Found this mod and did it tonight. Looks just like yours--great.

Did the mid-section handle addition too. Can't wait for this weekend--pork butt!
I used the same electrical tube but I didnt drill any holes. Removed one of the inside rack bolts and just enlarged the hole a little.
Bob thats a cool Idea. I'll do that to my WSM when I get the MAV.
Just thinking out loud here. What if you cut a slot on the side of the plug and then drill a hole at the end of it.
It would allow you to install the plug and reduce the size of the hole that the wires are going through.
Hmm....I'll try that too.
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Bob. My next question is, what to do with the Mav once you have it in place? Do you set it on a small table, or hook it to something?
Bob, I just installed your mod (The Mann Grommit Mod). It worked great unlike the other mod that I tried.
Any way, the probes fit well and give me plenty of cord length. I pushed some tin foil to to grommit to seal it.
I have a brisket in the smoker now (yeah late start). But I'm chillin and smok'n and the Mav ET 73 is working great.
With the stock 3' probes, I set it on a little table near the cooker.

The stock 3' pit probe broke, I got a 6' replacement. If I'm just using the pit probe, the base unit can be put on the ground next to the cooker. I still need a table if I'm using the 3' meat probe.

Wow. That looks great. This is just the information I was looking for in joining this forum. Great explanations. Plan on doing this with my 26 OTG.

