Going to push a chuck roll

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Dennis Solin

TVWBB Super Fan
Had a 20 lb chuck roll in frige, either I cook it or freeze it, decided at last minute to cook it. It went on at 10:00am this morning, it is dripping a little rain outside and I want this thing done by 8-9:00pm. I dumped four different kinds of rubs on it and ignited all the top of the charcoal ring. I plan on running the dome temp up to 275 which should equal a grate temp of approx 250. I also plan on foiling at around 165 and dumping some kind of spicy thin sauce on it at that time. Shooting for an internal of 195-200. Will see how this comes out. I normally cook these overnight with a 225 temp.
Hit 200 in about 6 1/2 hours, not bad for a 20 pound piece of dead cow. I put it into a small ice chest for 1 1/2 hours and then let sit out of 30 minutes before cutting. I believe this is the best one I have done yet. Four different rubs and a heathly dose of pepper gave it a nice spicey zing. Used a bottle of a little spicy sauce in the top when I foiled it. I reserved all the juice that came out of the foil and the cooler and will take off the fat and use it when I reheat the leftovers. This thing slices nice and would be great for any bbq event. Not bad for a piece of meat that sells for $1.80 per pound.
Thanks for the report, Dennis. I've seen these on occasion at my local Smart & Final, although they always seem to run in the 25-27 lb. range. Do you have any trouble fitting them in the WSM, or do you just let them touch the sides a little until they shrink up?

With a big piece of meat I line it up so it hits the handles on the top rack and doesn't hit the dome. If I kind of bend it to do this it staightens out in a few hours when it shrinks.
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