Friday Beef Back Ribs


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
soaked overnight a large rack of beef ribs in Stubb's Beef Marinade then employed the Red Weber Kettle equipped with the smoker plate


placed the ribs on with hickory wood for smoke flavour


a little foil underneath to help in the clean-up...
everything is cruisin' along very nicely at 250ºF.


this ▼ is ▼ about ▼ half-way ▼ eetable :D


...and nearly done...


OkayDoKay, time to take'm off the heat...


sliced up and served with garden fresh green beans and waffle fried potatoes




not many leftovers... and everything was quite tasty!
Thank you for visiting! Your comments, nice or nasty, are always appreciated!
And i hope your weekend is off to a GREAT start!
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Great looking ribs Jim! It's always nice to see an old red kettle being put to work. I need to give those waffle fries a try. Good idea, please share more info. By the way, this new site is really nice.:D
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Great looking B-Ribs. Love the use of the smoker plate! Question: Do you always marinade beef ribs?
Nice looking ribs. I will be over in 5...I bet there all gone! Looks like your lawn has greened up nice...mine is 2 tone patchy at best! More raining coming today!
Those are some purdy ribs! Does the overnight marinade help with the tenderness?? i avoid doing beef ribs because I have never been able to get em tender!:confused:
The home place is looking spiffy,
BadgerRed is looking pretty,
the food is looking nifty,
the ribs are looking meaty,
and I'm a gettin' hungry!

You do good worky Jim!:eek:
But after seen yours Jim,I think I'll try them again!
Have a great weekend and try to stay dry....Big storm coming.

I posted it at 4:25pm and it says-09:21pm???
Is there a way to change the time?
Thanks Chuck.
Forget IT I figured it out!!!
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Thanks everyone :)
Chuck, go to upper righthand corner of screen SETTINGS then go to MY SETTINGS to GENERAL SETTINGS under MY ACCOUNT and scroll down the
Date & Time Options.

Yes, Daniel, I most always marinate beef ribs. Besides the Stuff marinade, there is also black strong coffee in there. Scott, not sure if it helps tenderizes the ribs, butt these rascals were tender! You'd L♥VE'M!
Sorry Kimmy, they're all gone ;) if you can make it over by 7 tonight, i'll have some yardbird for ya
They look even better than normal now that my local source of beef ribs has dried up. Excellent ribs Jim!
Note from cardiologist "Stay away from Jim's..... The "Fresh Seafood" sign in Wisconsin is a ruse to get you in to eat all that beef and fried potatoes".

Nice looking meal Jim. I do have some beef ribs in the freezer that yell at me "chicken to cook us aren't you?" every time I open the door. I think your post has inspired me as long as you don't tell the cardiologist. :))

