Fresh Brat Question

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Dave Schwartz

I'm smoking a turkey breast and want to throw in some fresh brats to be cut up for appetizers. I thought I read a post, but can't locate it now, where somebody indicated that the color and texture of the finished product was not real good. I'm doing this for company and thought I would ask you guys for feedback. Also, would you put the brats on the 2nd rack below the turkey?? Thanks.
My guess would be that the color and texture issues would depend on where the brats were on the grate (close to the edge or not), and how high an internal temp they're allowed to cook to. I also wouldn't let poultry drip its juices on anything, so I'd say put the turkey on the bottom if it will fit, and do the brats on top where you can tend them as necessary. (Actually, I'd want to do the turkey at 325-350, so I probably wouldn't do these two together at all.)
Take the brats to 155*, and the turkey to 160* and rest it foil-covered. The brats will be even better, of course, if they get a quick grilling and some time in a beer/onion bath before serving.
Bratts are good on the WSM. Take Doug's advice and do the beer, onion, and i'll add the butter bath thingy.
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