First Time Pork Steak...Wow

big around here. I do basically the same thing. well, sorta. most here are rather thin so I just cook direct and that's it.
but if I had thicker ones then I would do as the menu states though around here we call it reverse searing.
but no matter what you do(I don't use sauce) pork steaks are great. I cook up a bunch and then use them for all sorts of things.
Pork steaks rock! I like to reverse sear mine or cook them in a aluminum pan full o' BBQ sauce ( i do CSR's the same way).

Pork steaks are great, easy to cook, taste great without a lot of effort, and are generally pretty cheap!
What's your method?

Depending on my mood I will either reverse sear them by starting them on the cool side till 'bout done then a last minute sear on the hot side with sauce, or I place them on a medium hot grill inside of an aluminum pan covered with sauce ala BBQ Pit Boys Style. Either way is good and will yield delicious results. The video shows CSRs but pork steaks come out very good this way as well. Just depends on my mood wich way I go.
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