First Spares - Trimming to St. Louis


Brian B.

I've done an unknown number of baby backs over time, but this is my first attempt at spares which I will trim St. Louis style. There is a local farm here that delivers to our house and their website had a discount on spares at the end of the winter so I picked them up.

My main question is around the skirt and other parts that I trim off. What do most people like to do with that? Chop it up and add it to beans? Does it cook for the same amount of time as the spares or will it finish more quickly?
Or I could just do a basic search for "spare" and "skirt" and that would get it done..:)

I'm not thinking straight today, too much boating and too much bourbon (after the boating obv.) that went with my bbq chicken last night.

I needed the bourbon because I watched my neighbor cook a slab of spares over HH on his gasser in about an hour.
I season my up and put it on the smoker along with the ribs so I have a chef's snack while I am cooking as it usually gets done sooner. If I don't have room on the smoker for them then I will freeze the meat and cook it next time as its also good to throw it in some baked beans.
Save all the trimmings, freeze them and grind them up when you make burgers. About 25% pork rib meat/fat in a burger mix is quite tasty.
I put them on with the ribs. Depending on our lunch plans, these either become cook's treats or if we have an el lardo lunch, they go in the beans.

I season exactly the same as the ribs, so I get an early indicator of how well I got the seasoning done and how the smoke took.
I cook them along with the ribs. I save them for use in beans and I also used some for some ABTs to add in with the cream cheese and also mix in some cheddar

