First smoke in the books

Nice! Looks like you live in the country - very nice. It use to look that way out my front door but twenty plus years later, it's a lot more built up around here. Is that a 22" or an 18" WSM?
Nice 18" and great looking chicken.

Did you add unlit on top of lit? When doing high heat cooks, I prefer the reverse. Adding unlit on top, and waiting for them to fire up, just cooks the bottom lit coals. The reverse will give you instant heat while lighting the lower unlit charcoal.

Just my $.02
Yeah...that was how i did it chad. The lit one on bottom. I will try it the other way next time. Also I was using Stubs natural hardwood charcoal. It seemed to work well.
Great first cook. Chicken will help season the cooker for you. ...and give you a great meal. Here's to many more to come. Cheers!

